KJC Chair Quan Zhou in conversation with Wan Sonya Tang (Boston College) and Mary Kate Donovan (Skid...
Quan Zhou: Race Narratives through Contemporary Media: Comic, Podcasts & AI

In Latin America, we live in urgent times that require us to rethink our relationship with the past ...
Symposium - Tales of Time, Images of Memory: Archives, Evidence, Connections

Equatorial Guinea’s first published comics artist, Nzé Esono Ebalé, is internationally recognized fo...
Colonizing Gestures and the Colonial Gaze in Images of Equatorial Guinea

In February 2017, the Mexican State issued a public apology to three ñañú/otomí women who had endu...
Mario Rufer: In the Museum of Forgiveness: Culture, Violence and Politics in Mexico

This lecture start from some practices of research: indigenous archives buried in Argentinean dune...
Mario Rufer: The altered archive: dreams, ghosts, murmurs

Gabinete Fang, or the “Fang Cabinet,” is a project that seeks to explore how memories (historical ...
Gabinete Fang: Roundtable

Parte del programa especial “Prácticas feministas”, de Verónica Gago (Spring 2023 Andrés Bello Ch...
Variaciones del neoliberalismo en América Latina: Verónica Gago y Susana Draper

Taller | Investigación feminista: metodologías y prácticas de experimentación Parte del programa es...
Investigación feminista: Ronda de cierre con Verónica Gago y Susana Draper

Taller | Investigación feminista: metodologías y prácticas de experimentación Parte del programa es...
Taller "Investigar el trabajo" | Rafaela Pimentel - Marta Malo - Ana Julia Bustos

Taller | Investigación feminista: metodologías y prácticas de experimentación ### Parte del pro...
Taller "Investigar la organización política" | Luci Cavallero - Helena Silvestre - Alondra Castillo

Taller | Investigación feminista: metodologías y prácticas de experimentación ### Parte del pro...
Taller "Investigar las violencias" | Celeste Perosino - Gladys Tzul - Fernanda Martin

Part of the special program “Prácticas feministas”, organized by Verónica Gago (Spring 2023 An...
What Does Re-enchanting the World Mean Today? | A conversation between Verónica Gago (Spring 2023 Andrés Bello Chair) and Silvia Federici

Verónica Gago is our Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations for Spring 2...
Verónica Gago, KJCC Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations for Spring 2023

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center turned 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
KJCC Atrium Historic Reel

Introduced and moderated by Alejandra Rosenberg Navarro (NYU) Part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 ...
Sara Mesa: La rebeldía de la mala letra frente a los silencios, la incomodidad del lenguaje y de los cuerpos

Yomaira Figueroa (Michigan State University), Paula Park (Wesleyan University), and Ana Paulina Lee ...
Decolonizing Global Geographies

Introduced and moderated by Carolina Dávila-Díaz (NYU) Part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Cha...
Luna Miguel: El coloquio de las perras o cómo (no) acabar con la escritura de las mujeres hispanas. Sobre genealogías, lecturas, comunidades y emociones

Introduced by Patricia González (NYU) Part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas d...
Aurélie Vialette: Contar y ser contadas. La genealogía de la Baronesa de Wilson o cómo repensar España, América y sus mujeres desde el siglo XIX

Introduced by Tatiana Rojas Ponce (NYU) Part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas...
Marta Sanz: Cuerpos, escritura, violencias y desobediencias. Los nuevos lenguajes y discursos de las monstruas y centauras del feminismo

With exhibit curator Ana Merino (University of Iowa), and contributing scholar Dolores Jiménez Bl...
Roundtable: Illustrating Spain in the US

Introduced by Grecia Márquez García (NYU) Part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Tod...
Cristina Morales: Emancipación autoral y dialéctica editorial. Del escribir con el cuerpo de Teresa de Jesús a la escritura fácil

Deforme Semanal Ideal Total, hosted by Isa Calderón and Lucía Lijtmaer, was recorded live in New Yor...
Recording of Deforme Semanal Ideal Total @ KJCC

Presented by Laura Turégano, Associate Director, KJCC, and Miguel Albero, Head of Cultural Office...
Granta: The New Wave of Spanish Language Writing

A podcast highlighting the diverse and multidisciplinary voices that make up the King Juan Carl...
periferias, the podcast | Third episode: Nick Jones

Featuring: Sudaquia editores, Artepoética Press, Chatos Inhumanos, and Carboard House Press Present...
CWS | Los talleres del tiempo. Editores hispanos en NYC

A dialogue between artist Miguel Poveda and scholar Pepa Anastasio Part of the KJCC 25th Anniversar...
Miguel Poveda in Conversation

Featuring: Spanish writer Manuel Vilas In dialogue with Kirmen Uribe Wednesday, March 30, 2022,...
CWS | De la no-ficción a la ficción

Featuring: Julio Prieto and Berta García Faet Introduced by Lila Zemborain Wednesday, March 23,...
KJCC Poetry Series | Poéticas de la errancia. Dos poetas españoles

A podcast highlighting the diverse and multidisciplinary voices that make up the King Juan Carlo...
periferias, the podcast | Second episode: Dantaé Elliot

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Antonio Muñoz Molina

Featuring: Oswaldo Chanove and Tilsa Otta Introduced by Mariela Dreyfus Wednesday, March 9, 202...
CWS | Vuelta a la otra margen: Alquimia, ensambles y opciones en la poesía peruana 2

Part of the KJCC 25th Anniversary Program Thursday, February 24th, 2022, 3:30pm EST This event will...
Roundtable: Food and the Hispanic World across Time & Space

A book presentation by Keila Val de la Ville Featuring: León Félix Batista, Robin Myers, Adalber Sa...
CWS | Entre el aliento y el precipicio

A podcast highlighting the diverse and multidisciplinary voices that make up the King Juan Carlo...
periferias, the podcast | First episode: Luis Francia

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Estrella de Diego

With Gabriela Pulido Llano (INAH), Mario Rufer (UAM-Xochimilco), and Elisa Speckman (UNAM) Thursday...
Online Event | Round Table: Routes of Archival Work in Mexico

Introduced by Yaissa Jiménez and Jorge Sánchez. Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 7:00pm – EST This e...
CWS Online Series | Translating The Tradition/La Tradición. Featuring Jericho Brown (author), and Andrea Cote Botero and Nieves García Prados (translators)

Introduced by Rita Indiana. Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 7:00pm – EST This event will be ONLINE ...
CWS Online Series | Narraciones visuales, a conversation with Regina José Galindo (Guatemala) on performance art as storytelling.

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Jon Lee Anderson

A Virtual Artistic Residency Diptych Isabel Do Diego & La Señorita Blanco Curated by Daniel Valtueña...
SONORIDAD.ES | Sound Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula: URGENT CALLS, FRAGILE BODIES

Featuring: Guillermo Saavedra and Eduardo Stupia Introduced by Lila Zemborain Wednesday, Novemb...
Online Event | KJCC Poetry Series curated by Lila Zemborain Kaleidoscopic Variations: Poetry and Visual Arts

Introduced by Chema González, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Kidlat Tahimik. Balikbayan...
To Film with a Bamboo Camera | Conversatorio with Sara Nadal Melsió (NYU) and Kidlat Tahimik

Featuring Daniel Alarcón and Rita Indiana. Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 7:00 pm – EST This event...
CWS Online Series | How Does That Sound? Storytelling as a Document and Experiment

Poetry reading featuring Mario Montalbetti, Rossella Di Paolo, and Odi Gonzáles Introduced by Marie...
CWS Online Series | Vuelta a la otra margen. Alquimia, ensambles y opciones en la poesía peruana | Poetry reading

Round table featuring Mario Montalbetti, Rossella Di Paolo, and Odi Gonzáles Introduced by Mariela ...
CWS Online Series | Vuelta a la otra margen. Alquimia, ensambles y opciones en la poesía peruana | Round table

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Beatriz Jaguaribe

A panel discussion with Patricia Kleinman (Projecto CompositorAs), Amy Kyle (Sorbonne Université), N...
Online Event | The Unknown Pauline Viardot-García: A Universal Composer and Performer of the 19th Century

Featuring: Nicole Cecilia Delgado Introduced by Urayoán Noel Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 7:00pm...
CWS Online Series | Islas Adyacentes: A reading and a discussion with Nicole Cecilia Delgado

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Juan González

Thursday, July 22, 2021, 2:00-4:00 pm EST This event was ONLINE and in ENGLISH. Captioning is provid...
Online Event | Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. The Specters of History in the films of Pedro Costa

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Cristina Pato

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Jean-Frédéric Schaub

Introduced by Rubén Ríos-Ávila. Presented by Daniela Trabuchi. Monday, May 17, 2021 7:00pm EST This...
Online Event | CWS Series: Farewell Reading Featuring the Class of 2021

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone,...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius

HOST: Casilda García López GUEST: Samantha Hudson Time & Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 •9:00-10.30...

Friday, May 7th, 2021 | 7:00 PM This event was in SPANISH Laura Turégano of the King Juan Carlos I ...
Online Event | DramaLab 2021 | SOMBRAS CHINESCAS by Daniela Trabuchi

Thursday, May 6, 2021, 2:00pm EST This event was in ENGLISH Respondent: Gisela Heffes (Rice Univers...
Online Event | Lecture “Toxic Agriculture. Transgenic seeds, Pesticides, and Monoculture in Contemporary Fiction from Latin America” by Sebastián Figueroa (Spring 2021 Andrés Bello Postdoctoral Fellow)

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 | 7:00 PM This event was in SPANISH Laura Turégano of the King Juan Carlos...
Online Event | DramaLab 2021 | LEO DE SOL ASCENDENTE by Laura Galindo

A Virtual Artistic Residency Diptych Isabel Do Diego & La Señorita Blanco Curated by Daniel Valtue...
PODCAST | SONORIDAD.ES: Sound Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula

Watch Black Henry Watch the Talkback Black Henry explored the profound consequences of a clash ...
Black Henry | A full length play by Luis H. Francia

part of the Mactan500 Virtual Conference Friday, April 23, 2021, 5:00 -7:00pm (EST) John D. Blanco...
Keynote Panel, "Reflections on 500 Years of Navigation and (Anti)Conquest"

With Arlett Cancino, Valeria Melchiorre, Juan Pablo Richter, Eliezer Márquez-Ramos, Julio César Márq...
Online Event | CWS Series: Revista Temporales - El año remoto

Saturday, April 17, 2021, 2:00pm (EST) This event was in Spanish and English with captioned translat...
Online Event | Round Table: Joan Miró, Modern Art, and the Legacies of (Art) Historical Archives

HOST: Casilda García López GUEST: Niño de Elche Wednesday, April 14th, 2021, 9:00-10.30pm EST Link:...

With Prof. Louis Bourne Introduced by Rubén Ríos Avila and Mariela Dreyfus Wednesday, April 14, 7:...
Online Event | CWS Series | A Virginian looked for meaning in poetry by living Spain and writing in Spanish

Wednesday, April 7, 7:00pm This event was in SPANISH Antonio Martorell and Rosa Luisa Márquez have ...
Online Event | CWS Event | Veveviejo, with Rosa Luisa Márquez y Antonio Martorell Introduced by Rubén Ríos Avila

Thursday, April 1, 2:00 p.m. EST This event was in English and Spanish. The book we celebrated, Spa...
Online Event | Spanish Culture from Romanticism to the Present: A book presentation and discussion with Jo Labanyi

Moderated by Carolyn Fornoff (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). Organized by Sebastián Figue...
Online Event | Round table: Vegetal Plots in Latin American Literature With Juan Ramón Duchesne Winter (University of Pittsburgh) and Gina Saraceni (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Helen Graham

El aprendizaje de lo común: A conversation with Marina Garcés Organized by Sara Nadal-Melsió Q&A mod...
Online Event | Conversatorios Online 2020-2021: Arte, Activismo y Lo Común

Introduced by Lila Zemborain Wednesday March 24, 2021 | 7:00pm EST This event was in SPANISH ...
Online Event | KJCC Poetry Series curated by Lila Zemborain | Variations on On the Nature of Things: Poetry & Science. Featuring Margarita Saona (Peru) and Marina Serrano (Argentina)

Thursday, March 18, 2021 | 2:30pm EST This event was in ENGLISH Captioning provided Furthering...
Online Event | Spanish ‘Populisms’ in Historical Perspective: From ‘Utopian’ Demo-Socialism to the Anarchist Spring, a conversation between Diego Baena (Spring 2021 KJC Postdoctoral Fellow) and scholar Jorge Gaupp

Presented by Sergio Chejfec Wednesday, March 17 | 7:00pm EST This event was in SPANISH Editar la p...
Online Event | CWS event featuring Guadalupe Nettel

Thursday, March 11, 2021 2:30pm EST In Spanish SONORIDAD.ES Isabel Do Diego closed their residenc...
Isabel Do Diego - 2020/ 21 KJCC Artist-in-Residence Closing Event - Screening and Q&A with Isabel Do Diego and Daniel Valtueña

HOST: Casilda García López GUEST: Pepa Anastasio Time & Date: Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 •9:00-9.30...

Presented by Sergio Chejfec Wednesday, March 10 | 7:00pm EST In SPANISH Photo: Alejandro Guyot L...
Online Event | CWS event featuring Luis Chitarroni: Continuidad de los diarios

Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 2:30pm EST SONORIDAD.ES Isabel Do Diego created an original piece commissi...
Isabel Do Diego - 2020/ 21 KJCC Artist-in-Residence Online Work Premiere

Friday, February 26, 2021, 2:00pm EST This event was in ENGLISH with CAPTIONS. Roundtable with: Ma...
Online Event | KJCC/ S & P/ Institut Ramon Llull | Catalan Novel in Translation

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents Carmen Boullosa

Thursday, February 18, 2021, 6:00pm EST This event was ONLINE and in ENGLISH Dean Allbritton (...
Online Event | KJCC/PASSO | Constructions of Contagion: Sickness and Health in Two Pandemics

Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 2:30pm EST This event was in ENGLISH The Institute of Fine Arts invit...
Online Event | KJCC/IFA | Celebrating a New Collection of Essays by Jonathan Brown | No solo Velázquez

Thursday, February 11, 2021, 2:00pm EST This event was ONLINE and in SPANISH with captions This...
Online Event | King Juan Carlos I of Spain Postdoctoral Fellow - Diego Baena | Plagues and Pharmacology in Historical and Literary Perspective: A Conversation with Santiago Alba Rico

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone...
ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC presents María Dolores Jiménez Blanco

Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 2:30 PM EST This event was in English Introduced and Moderated by R...
Online Event | Decentering the Archive | Black Bodies in Performance and Translation in Iberia and the Iberian Atlantic World

This event was ONLINE and in SPANISH **AMPARO NOGUERA** with the play _LA VOZ HUMANA_ by Jean Coct...
Online Event | CWS Series | Teatro y Pandemia

This event was ONLINE and IN SPANISH Ernesto Castro is one of Spain’s most promising millennial p...
Online Event | In Dialogue with … Ernesto Castro Discussion with Casilda García López (NYU Tisch School of the Arts)

Sonoridad.es Sound Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula A Virtual Artistic Residency Diptych Curated ...

Presented by Mariela Dreyfus Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 7:00pm This event was ONLINE and in SPANI...
Online Event | CWS Series | Translating the Present. A dialogue with renowned literary translator Esther Allen (Baruch College/Graduate Center, CUNY)

Featuring Esther Ramón and Jordi Doce Presented by Lila Zemborain Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 7:...
Online Event | KJCC Poetry Series | El lenguaje del ojo

This event was in Spanish Over the past 25 years Paul Ramirez-Jonas has sought to challenge the def...
Online Event | Conversatorios Online 2020-2021: Arte, Activismo y Lo Común Organized by Sara Nadal-Melsió | Public Trust: A Conversation with Paul Ramirez-Jonas

If we stop and listen to the Iberian landscape, what does it sound like? Curated by Daniel Valtueña ...

This event was in Spanish An event organized by our MFA second-year students. Featuring: Silvina Ló...
Online Event | CWS Series | ¿Aceptan manuscritos? Publicar en español en tiempos de pandemia.

Introduced by Enid Valle, Lourdes Vázquez and Ruben Ríos-Ávila Participants: Jacqueline Herranz Bro...
VIDEO | Online Event | KJCC Poetry Series | Mapa de Carmen Valle: un homenaje

Fernanda Trías (Uruguay, 1976) published the novels Cuaderno para un solo ojo, La azotea, La ciudad ...
VIDEO | Online Event | CWS Series | Zona de escritura. Featuring Fernanda Trías (Uruguay) and Giuseppe Caputo (Colombia). Hosted by Diamela Eltit.

In Spanish. Participants: Carlos Egaña Apolinar Islas Yaissa Jimenez Adriana Lea Plaza David Ornel...
Online Event | CWS Series | Welcome Reading by the MFA Students

Oliver Laxe is a French-born Galician film director, screenwriter, and actor. Laxe grew up between F...
Set the Farm on Fire: Rethinking Rural Cinema in a Postnational Context A Q&A with filmmaker Oliver Laxe and screenwriter Santiago Fillol, moderated by Sara Nadal-Melsió.

May 11, 2020 7:00 pm EDT In Spanish CREATIVE WRITING IN SPANISH: Farewell Reading by Graduating St...
Online Event | CWS Series | Farewell Reading by Graduating Students

Lecture and Performance: Transcending Disciplines: An Artist’s Journey to Cultural Sustainability C...
VIDEO | Cristina Pato - King Juan Carlos Chair | Lecture and Performance: Transcending Disciplines

VIDEO | Cristina Pato - King Juan Carlos Chair | Afro Latin Perspectives in Jazz and Classical Music

A CONVERSATION WITH CRISTINA PATO AND KENNETH S. KOSIK: An Invisible Ancestry and the Unquiet Genes ...
VIDEO | Cristina Pato - King Juan Carlos Chair | An Invisible Ancestry and the Unquiet Genes of the Brain

Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance: Pedagogies on Art & Violence in the Americas O...
VIDEO | Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance (part 5: A Cell of her Own performance)

Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance: Pedagogies on Art & Violence in the Americas O...
VIDEO | Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance (part 4)

Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance: Pedagogies on Art & Violence in the Americas O...
VIDEO | Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance (part 3)

Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance: Pedagogies on Art & Violence in the Americas O...
VIDEO | Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance (part 2)

Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance: Pedagogies on Art & Violence in the Americas O...
VIDEO | Symposium: Critical University, Critical Dissonance (part 1)

VIDEO | Andrés Bello Chair Professor Marisa Belausteguigoitia | 2nd public lecture | PATHWAYS AND FOOTSTEPS IN DETENTION

VIDEO | Andrés Bello Chair Professor Marisa Belausteguigoitia, 1st public lecture: UPRISING/ALZAMIENTO

More about Professor Marisa Belausteguigotia
Interview | Marisa Belausteguigotia - Spring 2019 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations

<iframe id="kaltura_player" src="https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/p/1674401/sp/167440100/embedIframeJs/...
VIDEO - Symposium Julio Ramos Regímenes de Alteración Fall 2018 Panel 1

Symposium | Slave Pasts in the Present: Narrating Slavery through the Arts, Technology, and Tourism | Part 2

Symposium | Slave Pasts in the Present: Narrating Slavery through the Arts, Technology, and Tourism | Part 3

Symposium | Slave Pasts in the Present: Narrating Slavery through the Arts, Technology, and Tourism | Part 1

More about Professor Keila Grinberg
Lecture | Slavery, Illegal Enslavement and International Conflicts in 19th-Century South America

<img src="/uploads/Space 5bjpg.jpg) <img src="/uploads/Space 2.jpg) “Leonardo Benzant / The Tongue...
Exhibit | Visionary Aponte: Art and Black Freedom

 More about Professor Keila Grinberg
Interview | Keila Grinberg - Spring 2018 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations

Nov. 17 & 18, 2017 | Symposium "Art and Power: from Museum to Real World"

Guernica, Picasso’s painting for the Spanish Republican Pavilion in the International Exposition of ...
Dec. 5, 2017 | Fall 2017 KJCC Chair Professor María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco's Lecture: "Picasso's Guernica in New York: from Political Icon to Museum Masterpiece?"

Interview | María Dolores Jiménez Blanco - Fall 2017 King Juan Carlos Chair in Spanish Culture and Civilization

The Perception of Spanish Art in America: A History of Changes by Professor Lola Jiménez-Blanco, Fal...
Sept. 19, 2017 / The Perception of Spanish Art in America

The discussion featured Cuban-born millennial designers, artists, and journalists who addressed the ...
June 1, 2017 | Cuban Millennials: Making and Consuming Culture in Twenty-First Century Cuba IN ENGLISH

The discussion featured Cuban-born millennial designers, artists, and journalists who addressed the ...
June 1, 2017 | Cuban Millennials: Making and Consuming Culture in Twenty-First Century Cuba IN SPANISH

Award-winning journalists Richard Schweid (Oscar nominee producer for the movie “Balseros”, 2002) an...
April 17, 2017 | Civic Empowerment through Journalism - A conversation with Montse Armengou & Richard Schweid

«Race and the Making of Contemporary Cuba - A One Day Symposium» SECOND LECTURE: Art, Activism, and...
April 27, 2017 | Race and the Making of Contemporary Cuba - A One Day Symposium - PART 2

«Race and the Making of Contemporary Cuba - A One Day Symposium» FIRST LECTURE: National Culture: G...
April 27, 2017 | Race and the Making of Contemporary Cuba - A One Day Symposium - PART 1

Cuba is currently in the throes of unparalleled change. Cubans are encountering U.S. citizens as new...
May 31st, 2017 | Screening & Directors' Discussion | Cuban Lens: Contemporary Cinema and Emerging Filmmakers

«A Discussion with Marta Dillon, Verónica Gago and Cecilia Palmeiro» In the last decade, a powerful...
May 15, 2017 | Feminism, Culture, Politics: A Conversation about #NiUnaMenos Argentina

From the AIDS epidemic in New York to the politics of human rights in Buenos Aires, activists in the...
April 20, 2017 | The Emergency Lectures - Politicizing Precariousness - Gabriel Giorgi

This series presented thinkers and writers from the NYU intellectual community whose work has an urg...
March 9, 2017 | The Emergency Lectures: "The Political Uses of Emotion: What Can We Learn from Spanish Fascism?", by Jo Labanyi

This series weighed the effects of violent repression during forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, e...
May 2, 2017 | Victims of Franquismo: A Reparation that Never Comes - PANEL 4

This series weighed the effects of violent repression during forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, e...
April 24, 2016: Victims of Franquismo: A Reparation that Never Comes - PANEL 3

This series weighed the effects of violent repression during forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, e...
April 4, 2017 | Victims of Franquismo: A Reparation that Never Comes - PANEL 2 IN ENGLISH

This series weighed the effects of violent repression during forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, e...
April 4, 2017 | Victims of Franquismo: A Reparation that Never Comes - PANEL 2 IN SPANISH

This series weighed the effects of violent repression during forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, e...
March 7, 2017 | Victims of Franquismo: A Reparation that Never Comes - PANEL 1

This discussion engaged the exhibit named “The Museum of the Old Colony”, curated by photographer Pa...
Feb. 16, 2017 | The Museum of the Old Colony, by Pablo Delano | Roundtable Discussion

In 1930, Barcelona—an old industrial city straining under a military dictatorship—was enjoying the f...
Dec. 6, 2016 | Aristocrats, Tarts, and Wastrels in 1932 Barcelona: The Private Lives of Josep Maria de Sagarra

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 18, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis - Conference 6

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 18, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis - Conference 5

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 18, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis - Conference 4

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 18, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis - Conference 3

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 18, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis - Conference 2

“Over the past few years, Spain has been going through a profound crisis, which has not only damaged...
Nov. 17, 2016 | Challenging National Narratives: The Catalan Question & the Spanish Crisis | Conference 1

This urgent teach-in gathered the NYU community to make sense of a Donald Trump presidency and to co...

PROXIMITIES/DISTANCES was a two-day event, exploring ideas and practices of proximity and distance i...
Sept. 28, 2016 | Proximities/Distances: Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Performance Theories and Practices - Conference 5

PROXIMITIES/DISTANCES was a two-day event, exploring ideas and practices of proximity and distance i...
Sept. 28, 2016 | Proximities/Distances: Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Performance Theories and Practices - Conference 4

PROXIMITIES/DISTANCES was a two-day event, exploring ideas and practices of proximity and distance i...
Sept. 28, 2016 | Proximities/Distances: Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Performance Theories and Practices - Conference 3

PROXIMITIES/DISTANCES was a two-day event, exploring ideas and practices of proximity and distance i...
Sept. 28, 2016 | Proximities/Distances: Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Performance Theories and Practices - Conferences 1&2

Jon Lee Anderson, Spring 2016 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations, is jo...
May 6, 2016 | "Cubama: The U.S., Cuba and the Political Horizon" - Jon Lee Anderson, Spring 2016 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations

With flamenco singer Marina Heredia (Flamenco Festival New York), dancer, choreographer, writer, and...
March 9, 2016 | Beyond Sorrow: Rethinking Flamenco for the 21st Century

Jon Lee Anderson, Spring 2016 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations, is a ...
Feb. 24, 2016 | Reporting on War and Power in the Americas | Jon Lee Anderson - Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Studies and Civilizations

Josep Maria Muñoz (Fall 2016 King Juan Carlos Chair in Spanish Culture and Civilization; Historian, ...
Sept. 20, 2016 | A New Farewell to Spain? Catalonia, the Spanish Crisis, and the Echoes of 1898 | Josep Maria Muñoz

Tribunes for the People: Rebel Latino Writers in American Journalism, From Ricardo Flores Magón and Jovita Idar to Jesús Colón

Latino Performing Artists and Their Community: Lin Manuel Miranda and Sonia Manzano in Conversation with Juan Gónzalez

Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Economic Collapse in America’s Biggest Colony And What Can be Done About It

Lecture | Between Basques and Jews: How the Spaniards became a Race, by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PART 3

Lecture | Between Basques and Jews: How the Spaniards became a Race, by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PART 2

Lecture | Between Basques and Jews: How the Spaniards became a Race, by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PART 1

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 4

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 3, Part 3

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 3, Part 4

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 3, Part 1

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 3, Part 2

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 1, Part 2

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 2, Part 5

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 2, Part 2

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 2, Part 1

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 2, Part 3

Symposium "Race and processes of racialization in colonial societies", organized by Professor Jean-Frédéric Schaub - PANEL 1, Part 3