Event | Discussion
SONORIDAD.ES | Sound Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula: URGENT CALLS, FRAGILE BODIES
A Virtual Artistic Residency Diptych
Isabel Do Diego & La Señorita Blanco
Curated by Daniel Valtueña
NYU King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
A Conversation between La Señorita Blanco and Remedios Zafra
Moderated by Daniel Valtueña
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
2:30-3:30 pm EST (NYC) | 8:30-9:30 pm ECT (Peninsular Spain)
This event was in SPANISH
Captioning provided
A conversation between artist La Señorita Blanco and intellectual Remedios Zafra in the frame of NYU KJCC Artist-in-Residence program SONORIDAD.ES.
This event publicly opened La Señorita Blanco’s artistic residency at the NYU KJCC to keep listening to the current times amidst the COVID-19 crisis. In a moment when the pandemic appears to recede for some (though not everywhere, nor for everyone), the most common question we ask ourselves tends to be: Where do we go from here? But instead, we would like to ask: What do we listen to, and how do we listen, from now on? Drawing on La Señorita Blanco’s experience and Remedios Zafra’s expertise on precarity within the creative field, we aim to reflect on the urgent calls our fragile bodies are experiencing now.
This conversation fueled La Señorita Blanco’s SONORIDAD.ES’s project on the sound archive of the Extremadura-based natural environment La Serena. The plain nature of this marginal Iberian landscape serves as a platform to reflect on current debates about rural Spain, life sustainability, and transmedia artistic expressions.

La Señorita Blanco is a performing arts creator whose work reflects on the incorporation of natural landscapes and traditional rituals into the stage. In 2016 she was recognized at the TNT International Theatre Festival for her creation #imnotrussian. She recently became one of the artists of reference in experimental performing arts in Spain with THE OTHERS/LANDSCAPE, presented in Centro de Danza Canal in 2018, as well as with SACRIFICIO, premiered in the frame of ZIP Theatre Festival at Teatro Español in 2019. She recently premiered the final version of the latter at Teatros del Canal in July 2021. During her residency, La Señorita Blanco continues to work on her Paisaje dentro de paisaje.

Remedios Zafra is a writer and a Tenured Research Scientist at the Institute of Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She has been a full-time professor of Art, Gender Studies, and Digital Culture at the University of Seville (2002-2020) and professor of “Politics of the Gaze” in the Masters Degree in Theory and Cultural Criticism of the Carlos III University of Madrid. She holds a PhD in Fine Arts, an International Master’s Degree in Creativity and has pursued higher studies in Art, Philosophy and Social and Cultural Anthropology. Her research focuses on the intersections between art and technology, feminism and critical theory of digital culture. Her books include: Frágiles (2021), El entusiasmo. Precariedad y trabajo creativo en la era digital (Anagrama Essay Award 2017), Ojos y Capital (2015) and Un cuarto propio conectado (2010).

Daniel Valtueña is an independent curator based in Madrid and New York City. He is the Artist Commissioning Program Manager at the Queens Council on the Arts and a doctoral candidate in the Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures Department at the CUNY Graduate Center. Daniel works toward making research in the humanities publicly engaged cultural projects as a Mellon Humanities Public Fellow and teaches romance languages and cultures within the CUNY system. His research focuses on Spanish-speaking cultures and performing arts. He holds a BA in Art History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a MA in Liberal Arts from CCNY. In 2016 he was awarded the Madrid Region Young Talent Prize in Culture for his early arts management career.
Sonoridad.es | Sound Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula is a Virtual Artistic Residency Diptych with contemporary Iberian artists Isabel do Diego and La Señorita Blanco at NYU KJCC for the academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. To know more: https://www.kjcc.org/in-residence/sonoridad-es/