Event | Reading
KJCC Poetry Series | Poéticas de la errancia. Dos poetas españoles
Featuring: Julio Prieto and Berta García Faet
Introduced by Lila Zemborain
Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 7:00pm EDT.
This event will be ONLINE and in SPANISH.
Live stream on facebook.com/kjccnyu/live

Berta García Faet (Valencia, Spain, 1988) is a poet and translator and the recipient of numerous literary prizes. She is the author of seven books of poetry: Una pequeña personalidad linda (La Bella Varsovia, 2021); Los salmos fosforitos (La Bella Varsovia, 2017), Premio Nacional de Poesía Joven “Miguel Hernández” 2018; La edad de merecer (La Bella Varsovia, 2015), translated to English by Kelsi Vanada as The Eligible Age (Song Bridge Press, 2018) and also published in Argentina (Zindo&Gafuri, 2018); and four other books, republished in Corazón tradicionalista: Poesía 2008-2011 (La Bella Varsovia, 2017). She obtained her Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies at Brown University, in 2021, and is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at this same institution.
Julio Prieto (Madrid, 1968) is a professor of Latin American literature at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Hispanic literature at New York University and has been invited as a professor at Princeton, Heidelberg, Université Paris VIII, Universidade de São Paulo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Freie Universität Berlin. In 2007 he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Grant. He has published several poetry volumes and essays on literary theory, art, and cultural criticism, among them: Desencuadernados (Beatriz Viterbo, 2002), De la sombrología (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2010), Poéticas del presente: perspectivas críticas sobre poesía hispánica contemporánea (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2016), La escritura errante: ilegibilidad y políticas del estilo en Latinoamérica (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2016; LASA Premio Iberoamericano Book Award 2017). His poetry volumes are Sedemas (Vitruvio, 2006), Bilingües (Amargord, 2012), De masa menos (Amargord, 2012), Marruecos (Amargord, 2018; selected to be part of the Pavilion of Spain as Guest of Honor Country at the 2019 International Book Fair of Casablanca).
Organized by the NYU MFA Creative Writing in Spanish Program.