Event | Discussion
CWS Series | Conversation about the work of Peruvian writer Gabriela Wiener
Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South
Related: Creative Writing In Spanish Program

Conversation about the work of Peruvian writer Gabriela Wiener. Featuring the author and Mariela Dreyfus. Introduced by Natalia Sanchez. CWS Series. KJCC, 7 p.m.
Gabriela Wiener is a writer and journalist. She has published the books Sexografías, Nueve Lunas, Llamada perdida, Dicen de mí and the poetry book Ejercicios para el endurecimiento del espíritu.Her texts have been published in nationals and internationals anthologies and have been translated into English, Portuguese, French and Italian. Her firsts chronicles were published in Etiqueta Negra magazine. She was the chief editor of Marie Claire magazine in Spain. She writes regularly for Eldiario.es, La República, El Salto, El País and the New York Times in Spanish, among others. She has a video column in lamula.pe@gabrielawiener.
Sponsored by NYU MFA Creative Writing in Spanish Program.
In Spanish / Reception to follow