Event | Reading
CWS Series | Reading and Conversation with Puerto Rican author Pedro Cabiya
Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South
Related: Creative Writing In Spanish Program

_Sponsored by NYU MFA Creative Writing in Spanish Program._
In Spanish / Reception to follow
Free and Open to the Public. Id required at the door.
Pedro Juan Cabiya Ortiz, (2 November 1971), is a Puerto Rican born Caribbean writer, poet and filmmaker with an established residence in the Dominican Republic since 2001. His first book, Historias tremendas, was published in 1999 by Isla Negra Editores. The book, a collection of short-stories, was declared Best Book of The Year by Pen Club International and was a finalist of the Casa de Las Américas Award. The year 2003 saw the publication of Historias atroces (Isla Negra), another short-story collection, and one that consolidated the writer’s cult following. Later on, and to great critical acclaim, Cabiya published the novels La cabeza (Isla Negra 2005), Trance (Editorial Norma 2007), Saga de Sandulce (Editorial Norma 2009), Malas hierbas (Zemi Book 2011), and María V. (Zemí Book 2011), a vampire mash-up parody of Jorge Isaac’s classic María; all have acquired cult status. He has participated in numerous international anthologies such as Manual de Fin de Siglo, El arca, Literatura puertorriqueña del siglo XX and En el ojo del huracán.
Cabiya has also published a number of poetry books (Crazy X-Ray Boomerang Girl, Phantograms, Rayos XXX), maintains the popular blog Tungsteno (www.pedrocabiya.com), and is a regular columnist and essayist in several local and international magazines.
Cabiya is also the creator of a number of hardboiled graphic novels, namely Ánima Sola, Juanita Morel, Obelenkó, and Justin Time.