Event | Discussion
Book launch: Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics

Join us to celebrate the publication of a new, field-defining collection edited by Jens Andermann (NYU), Gabriel Giorgi (NYU), and Victoria Saramago (University of Chicago)!
This new volume offers a comprehensive overview of Latin American aesthetic and conceptual production addressing the more-than-human environment at the intersection between art, activism, and critique. By showing how artistic and literary production illuminates critical zones of environmental thought, the Handbook offers cutting-edge critical tools for approaching literature and the arts from new angles that call into question the nature/culture boundary.
With authors Mary Louise Pratt (NYU), Carolyn Fornoff (Cornell), Javier Uriarte (SUNY Stony Brook), Catalina Arango Correa (Princeton), Michel Nieva (NYU), and Dana Khromov (Sarah Lawrence College).
Free and open to the public
Reception will follow