Event | Conference
A-FEST: Encuentro de Escritores Latinoamericanos en Nueva York
All the events are free and bilingual (Spanish/English), unless otherwise noted.
Monday, March 27
Work Group A | Place: King Juan Carlos Center (NYU) {53 Washington Square South} - Room 112 - Portrait Room
**9:00 am - Coffee
**9:30 am – 12:00 pm | Session A1: Conceptos del Congreso del 87: Feminismo y femenino en la literatura
Moderator: Mónica Ríos - Speakers: Carmen Berenguer, Carmen Ollé
**1:30 pm – 4 pm (in English) | Session A2: Creating concepts for today. Women’s literature against authoritarianism, fascism, and capitalism
Moderator: Gabriel Giorgi - Speakers: Cristina Rivera Garza, Helena Maria Viramontes
Work Group B |Place: King Juan Carlos Center (NYU) - Room 215 Library
**9:00 am - Coffee
**9:30 am – 12:00 pm | Session B1: Conceptos del Congreso del 87: Margen y género en la literatura
Moderator: Javier Guerrero - Speakers: Mariela Dreyfus, Lina Meruane, Marcia Mogro
**1:30 pm – 4 pm | Session B2: Creando conceptos operativos hoy. Literatura de mujeres contra el femicidio
Moderator: Licia Fiol-Matta - Speakers: Sara Uribe, Alejandra Castillo
Co-sponsored by NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and NYU King Juan Carlos Inof Spain Center (KJCC)

Tuesday, March 28
Work Group A | Place: King Juan Carlos Center (NYU) {53 Washington Square South} - Room 112 - Portrait Room
**9:00 am - Coffee
**9:30 am – 12 pm | Session A3: Invocando tradiciones. Lecturas de escritoras latinoamericanas
Moderator: Mónica Ríos - Speakers: Lila Zemborain, Nona Fernández; Mercedes Roffé
**1:30 pm – 4 pm | Session A4: Poéticas actuales y conceptos operativos para el futuro
Moderator: Claudia Salazar - Speakers: Nadia Prado, Graciela Huinao
Work Group B | Place: King Juan Carlos Center (NYU) - Room 215 Library
**9:00 am - Coffee
**9:30 am – 12 pm | Session B3: Invocando tradiciones. Lecturas de escritoras latinoamericanas II
Moderator: Germán Garrido - Speakers: Soledad Fariña, Carlos Labbé, Mariana Graciano
**1:30 pm – 4 pm | Session B4: Poéticas actuales y conceptos operativos para el futuro
Moderator: Paulina Soto Riveros - Speakers: Mónica Ríos, Gladys González
Co-sponsored by NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and NYU King Juan Carlos Inof Spain Center (KJCC)
Wednesday, March 29
4pm | Conversatorio: Representando la migración | Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, Faber Hall 568
Organiza: Carl Fischer (cfischer8@fordham.edu) - Speakers: Helena María Viramontes and Isolina Ballesteros (Baruch College)
5pm | A-Fest: Nuevas poéticas y aproximaciones críticas | Princeton University
Organizador: Javier Guerrero
Nona Fernández: “Reconstrucción de la escena del crimen” Alejandra Castillo: “La imagen del cuerpo feminista”
Comentaristas: Luisa Barraza, Sowmya Ramanathan, Jennifer Rodríguez
Para más información, escribir a jg17@princeton.edu
7pm | KJCC Poetry Series: Tres poetas del A-fest: Carmen Berenguer (Chile), Graciela Huinao (Chile) y Carmen Ollé (Perú)
Presentación: Mariela Dreyfus y Lila Zemborain - Speakers: Carmen Berenguer, Graciela Huinao, Carmen Ollé
Where: King Juan Carlos Center, NYU {53 Washington Square South - Auditorio}
For more information, contact Lila Zemborain: lmt432@nyu.edu
Co-sponsored by CWS Events, NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and NYU King Juan Carlos Inof Spain Center (KJCC)
7 - 9pm | Salon with feminist writers from Latin America (in Spanish and English with translation) | Salón con escritoras del Afest / Book sale and exchange / Intercambio y venta de libros
Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen St, NY 10002,
Organizado por: Common Notions y Afest
Thursday, March 30
6pm | Ars Disyecta: otra relación entre arte y feminismo
The Hispanic Institute for Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Columbia University
Where: Casa Hispánica 201, 612 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027
Speaker: Alejandra Castillo
4pm | Entre las necroecrituras y la desapropiación: escribir el presente en México y EEUU // First Spanish and Portuguese Department Colloquium: Feminist Perspectives from Latin America
Lugar: 14-19 University Place, room 222 , NYU
Speakers: Cristina Rivera Garza y Sara Uribe
Organizado por: Laura Torres-Rodríguez (Spanish & Portuguese, NYU)
Friday, March 31
Where: King Juan Carlos Center, NYU {53 Washington Square South - Auditorio}
Organized by Heather Cleary
Mentors: Esther Allen, Heather Cleary, Mara Faye Lethem, Sandra Kingery
Emerging translators: Sarah Bruni, Arielle Concilio, Lizzie Paris, Robin Myers, Rebekah Smith, Charlotte Whittle
See the details of the event here.
Co-sponsored by NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and NYU King Juan Carlos Inof Spain Center (KJCC)
12:30pm (lunch will be served) | DIFFUSIONS/DIFUSIONES: A round-table on contemporary Latin American women’s writing, publishing and translation
Where: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Rutgers University, 15 Seminary Pl., 5º piso
Speakers: Cristina Rivera Garza and Anna Deeny
Moderators: Karen Bishop y Marcy Schwartz (Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese), with remarks by Jeffrey Lawrence and David Kurnick (Dept. of English)
Organized by M. Schwartz y K. Bishop /Sponsored by: Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, Program in Comparative Literature, and the Dept. of English, Rutgers University
Saturday, April 1